Worldwide Shipping
We offer shipping to most countries. Simply select your country once you have added items to your basket and you'll be shown an instant price for shipping without having to advance in to the check out process.
200,000+ Parts & Accessories
Our catalogue has grown extensively over the years and we now source a huge range of parts and accessories from a number of distributors from round the world.
Order Online Or By Phone
We're more than happy to have customers order which ever way they prefer. If you'd like to discuss anything over the phone prior to ordering we'd be delighted to help you.
Simple Exchange Or Refund Policy
We know when customers receive their orders there is always the possibility of needing to exchange or return items for a refund. Rest assured if you need to, we make it simple. See T&C's for more details.
Price Match Promise
We offer a price match promise on all items we sell. Use the "Seen it cheaper?" option found on the product pages to request a price match.
Our Price Promise
Seen this item cheaper on another website? Let us try and match it!
We do our upmost to keep our prices competitive but due to the number of items we sell, you may occasionally find a better price advertised elsewhere. If you have seen a cheaper price on another website let us know by filling in this form. If we’re able to match the price, we’ll look to respond via email with a unique discount code within 1 hour (during working hours) so you're not waiting too long.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Oil is the Life Blood of your Engine!
Feuling oiling system kits combine all the needed components to finish your TC engines oiling system under 1 Part. Feuling oiling system kits increase oil pressure, oil volume, engine oil flow and return oil scavenging, eliminating wet sumping and oily air cleaners. Test results show 25-35 degree cooler engine temperatures, 15-30 degree cooler oil temperatures, 15-30 more pounds of oil pressure and quieter smoother engine operation. Results also show a substantial increase of oil pressure and 3 H.P. and 4 Ft. Lbs of T.Q to the rear wheel.
RACE SERIES® Kits include a billet 7075 hard anodized oil pump which is 50% harder and stronger than the factory pump holding tighter tolerances under temperature. RACE SERIES® hydraulic lifters have a full .200 of total travel designed with a slower bleed down rate to handle heavy valve spring pressures, increase engine RPM before valve float and feature increased roller clearance for steep ramped camshafts. Kits include a RACE SERIES® oil pump, RACE SERIES® lifters, HIGH FLOW camplate, gaskets and O-rings.
Material: Aluminum
Product Name: Oil System
Type: Cam Plate| Oil Pump
Style: Chain Drive| Gear Drive
Flow Rate: Standard
Model: Race Series®
Color/Finish: Aluminum| Red
Units: Each
Base Color: Red| Silver
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 26 Feb and 4 Mar.
×Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 26 Feb and 4 Mar.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.