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We do our upmost to keep our prices competitive but due to the number of items we sell, you may occasionally find a better price advertised elsewhere. If you have seen a cheaper price on another website let us know by filling in this form. If we’re able to match the price, we’ll look to respond via email with a unique discount code within 1 hour (during working hours) so you're not waiting too long.
×Usually ships in 5-10 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 27 Feb and 6 Mar.
×Although the XR1200 may be “sporty” by H-D standards, it is still a long way from being and handling like a modern sports bike.
When the XR1200 race bikes were developed in Europe, they came up with the idea of using solid spacer blocks to raise the rear ride height by around 2" in order to quicken the steering, improve the handling and improve ride height.
We have taken this same idea and, using our own test bike, have developed and fine tuned the riser blocks so that they are lighter, stronger and better looking than the original race parts.
The original riser blocks used in the Spanish and Italian race series weighed 0.75kg each, ours now weigh just 0.15kg each.
These are manufactured from aerospace grade aluminium and anodized in black. Passenger footrests and associated hangers need to be removed in order to fit these blocks, as they use the same mounting positions on the frame as the original passenger footrest brackets.
If you are using the stock or aftermarket exhaust pipes that attach to the passenger footrest then a new exhaust mount will need to be fabricated therefore we built code 206902.
For use with stock or aftermarket suspension units. Supplied as a full kit including two riser blocks, mounting bolts and new upper shock bolts.
Please Note: These blocks are designed for race use and have not been tested or warranted for use on public highways.
They will significantly quicken the steering and alter the handling lease take care when first riding the bike with these parts fitted.
Fits on Harley Davidson XR:
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.