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×4 available in UK warehouse
From the team that brought you The Fuelpak FP3, the best-selling ECU tuner in the world for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, the Vance & Hines FP4 is the most intuitive tool on the market, giving you the power to control your motorcycle’s tune, view live sensor data, read and clear trouble codes, utilize a live sensor data display, and offers best in industry support from our FP4 technicians, all from your smartphone.
The Vance & Hines FP4 brings our legendary fuel tuning and performance to your 2007-2010 Softail, 2007-2011 Dyna, 2007-2013 Touring, 2007-2013 Sportster and 2008-2012 XR1200 models, with all new features, and the ease of use you expect from Vance & Hines.
The new rider interface makes navigating the app a breeze and the new navigation bar allows you to access the Main Menu, Live Sensor Data, System Info, and Customer Support Menus from anywhere within the FP4 App.
The Live Data screen has also been reworked with a new look and an extra gauge, so you can see more data.
The all-new Performance Log feature brings another level of control and insight. Select from three data logging settings to control how long you want to record, go for a ride, then dig into your data with the ride-activated chart.
The Performance Data feature will also use your phone’s onboard GPS to map out and record that same ride, allowing you to see just how long that route took you to complete, your 0-60 time on that one stretch of road, or how fast you took that hairpin turn.
Riders will be able to select from a vast library of Vance & Hines maps made for their specific model with real parts on real bikes in their Santa Fe Springs CA dyno-tuning facility. Riders will be able to further modify and develop those maps through a number of customization options found in the Vance & Hines FP4 App.
You will not be able to use the same FP4 on another bike. The OEM fuel map is stored in the FP4, therefore the ECU can always be returned to the OEM factory set-up.
Note: The FuelPak FP4 allows you to disable the additional O2 sensors found on the new models without triggering trouble codes. This will enable you to use exhaust mufflers of earlier models that are not equipped with an O2 sensor connection.
Download the intuitive FP4 app to your compatible iOS or Android device and wield the power to tune your bike right in your pocket.
Model: Fuelpak FP4
Product Name: Tuning Module
Color/Finish: Black
Physical Connection: Plug-In (OEM Style Connectors)
Base Color: Black| Gray
Units: Each
Programming: Autotune| Downloadable Maps| Pre-Programmed| Programmable
Monitor your ride
Keep an eye on your motorcycle’s vitals right in the Vance & Hines FP4 app. The ability to read and diagnose trouble codes, as well as the ability to view live sensor data in real-time will allow you to keep a finger on the pulse of your machine, and the all-new Performance Data logger gives you more data to access than ever before.
The improved AutoTune feature is a powerful tool that allows you to tune your bike while you ride using data collected from the stock O2 sensors for any air cleaner and exhaust combination you can throw at it. Simply flash the bike into AutoTune mode, enjoy your ride, and flash the collected data back into your ECM once you’re back home.
Advanced Tuning
For advanced users, the FP4 gives you full access to critical ECU tables right in the app. Change your idle RPM, raise your rev limit, or adjust tables including VE, Target Air Fuel Ratio, and Spark Advance, all from your smartphone.
For advanced users, the FP4 gives you full access to critical ECU tables right in the app. Change your idle RPM, raise your rev limit, or adjust tables including VE, Target Air Fuel Ratio, and Spark Advance, all from your smartphone.
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.